Welcome to a guided tour of Lukas Ligeti's work done in collaboration with musicians in or from Africa. This program, consisting in part of excerpts from works accessible in full elsewhere on this site, will give you an overview of Lukas' innovative approach to cross-cultural creativity, which led to his approach of "experimental intercultural collaboration".

Excerpts from LIGDI and ENTRONS DANS LA DANSE performed (2013) by BURKINA ELECTRIC: https://vimeo.com/523401011/

VILLAGE DANS 8 PAYS performed (1998) by BETA FOLY: https://vimeo.com/535202063/

Excerpt from ADJAMÉ 220 from Beta Foly's CD LUKAS LIGETI & BETA FOLY (1997): https://vimeo.com/535192387/

Excerpt from GUINÉE IMAGINAIRE from Beta Foly's CD LUKAS LIGETI & BETA FOLY (1997): https://vimeo.com/535193448/

Excerpt from LE CHANT DE TOUT LE MONDE from Beta Foly's CD LUKAS LIGETI & BETA FOLY (1997): https://vimeo.com/535195198/

Excerpt from ON PATTERNED TIME (1999) from the CD PATTERN TIME (2011): https://vimeo.com/535141794/

Excerpt from SANKAR YAARÉ from Burkina Electric's CD PASPANGA (2010): https://vimeo.com/535195440/

Excerpt from ÇA VA CHAUFFER from Burkina Electric's CD PASPANGA (2010): https://vimeo.com/535192613/

Excerpt from HAÏDARA (from SUITE FOR BURKINA ELECTRIC AND ORCHESTRA) (2016) for African electronic pop band and symphony orchestra: https://vimeo.com/523399724/

Excerpt from MDOLÉ (from SUITE FOR BURKINA ELECTRIC AND ORCHESTRA) (2016) for African electronic pop band and symphony orchestra: https://vimeo.com/523649876/

Excerpt from GOM ZANGA (from SUITE FOR BURKINA ELECTRIC AND ORCHESTRA) (2016) for African electronic pop band and symphony orchestra: https://vimeo.com/523624731/

Site by Lukas Eigler-Harding